Website Strategy

While you may be excited to jump into a new website for your business to get things moving, you need to carefully and thoughtfully map out your ideas and goals and strategize about what can be done to make your website a success. Even if you’re not creating a new site, but redesigning a current one, failing to strategize won’t benefit your business.

Website Strategy

That’s where we come in. We don’t throw a template at you and add your business name and logo. We study your business and website to figure out what you need. We understand that each business is different and we invest the time to figure out how to make it rise to the top. In order to do this successfully, we will meet with you, get basic information, and ask the following questions:

• How does your website contribute to your business model?
• Who do you think are the average visitors?
• How do they access your site?
• How do you get people talking about your site and telling others?

By answering these key questions we can develop a winning website strategy specific to your business.

Understanding the Competition

This is only a piece of the puzzle. The other part of being successful comes in knowing the competition, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses and learning how to rise above them. We need to understand the competition as much as we understand your business in order for you to be a success. This consists of:

• Studying the competition’s online activities
• Analyzing the competition’s website ranking
• Listing opportunities that await you online

These three pieces will help us understand what the competition is doing and how we can do it better. We will create a detailed plan with only one path…the one to success.

Keys to a Successful Website Strategy

Setting website goals is only part of the key to a successful business plan. Those goals need to gel with your overall business objectives. This means incorporating those goals into a successful strategy. A successful website strategy should contain these elements:

• Ways to Engage Visitors
• Understanding the Target Audience
• Driving Visitors to the Site
• Gathering Data & Measuring Results

While technology is a major part of the website, we build our strategy on content and what we can do to drive visitors to your site. The technology side is well-taken care of by our team of experts and will be top-rate. It means nothing to have a great functioning site on the technical side without engaging information on it that drives people to it and blows away the competition.
Remember, the foundation of a successful website lies within the strategy. Taking the time to plan with the right team will pay great dividends. Let us be the team that makes the difference for your website and catapults your business to the success it deserves.